Fringe | The Dinner
Public programme by Domingo
Inspired by Bouts’ table scenes and paintings, the artist collective Domingo developed a performative programme. Bouts’ Triptych of the Last Supper is the spark to this performance’s flame.
Domingo’s public programme centres around the Last Supper. For a month, Off the Grid’s centrepiece is a set table laid with a carefully curated array of hand-crafted tableware and objects that symbolically allude to religious morality and redemption in biblical times. By connecting topics of morality with topics more salient to the current zeitgeist, the table’s objects become the origin of four characters who evolve through a scripted performance that plays out as a diptych.
Domingo Collective
Domingo is a four-artist collective. They got their start in Geneva in 2018, creating performances and exhibitions meant to spark collectivity through ritual acts. They zoom in on the everyday, driven by a common zeal for exploring the meaning of ‘home’ and ‘collectivity’ in today’s society.
Domingo Collective’s members are Doris Hardeman, Jerlyn Heinzen, Salomé Ziehli, and Natacha de Oliveira. Domingo Collective has exhibited at La Becque in La Tour-de-Peilz, HEAD - Espace Hippomène in Geneva, Giulietta in Basel, Hamlet in Zurich, One gee in fog in Geneva, Festival de la Bâtie in Geneva, at f’ar - Forum d’architectures in Lausanne, and Artemis Fontana Café during Art Basel in Basel.
Are you a wheelchair user, or do you have special needs? Get in touch with the festival partner’s staff. They’re happy to lend a hand and find you a comfortable spot.
- Contact Cas-co:
For all info regarding this event, please contact the event partner:
- Cas-co
Vaartstraat 94
3000 Leuven