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Fringe | Opening night

16/11/23 - 17/11/23

Pulling out all the stops for opening night, we’ve charted a trail through a selection of Fringe venues with performances by Domingo Collective and Agnès Geoffray, among others. Get ready for a magic night packed with exciting exhibitions and exclusive performances, closing with drinks and DJ beats at STUK’s Playground.


18:30 | Cas-co

  • Welcome reception

19:00 | Cas-co

  • Performance - The Dinner, Domingo Collective
  • Expo - Eat the frog, swallow the ebb, Francisco Correia

19:45 | BAC ART LAB

  • Introductie door Sarah Lauwers
  • Expo - Zwaar liggen, Sarah Lauwers
  • Expo - PROMPTISM: The Art of Talking with Machines

20:45 | Expo Leuven

  • Performance - Viva Los Dj’s
  • Expo - Queer Horizons

22:00 | STUK - Soetezaal

  • Performance - Fléau, Agnès Geoffray

22:20 | STUK - Binnenplein

  • Performance - The Dinner, Domingo Collective

22:35 | STUK - STUKcafé

  • DJ accompanied reception
Opening hours

18:30 - 01:00




For all info regarding this event, please contact the event partner:

  • KU[N]ST Leuven
    Naamsestraat 96
    3000 Leuven
    +32 479 55 14 21

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